Thursday, October 05, 2006

A few quick thoughts in the early morning hours: Yes, my name is different. Yes it is being legally changed. Yes the last name is a reference to a French philosopher. Why? I just needed a change, and always wanted to have a different name. Boring story huh? Sometimes things in life are just that. It's currently around 4:30 in the morning, and sleep has lost all meaning in my life. I got a call from a friend (same friend referenced in last post), and my presence is requested at a studio around 8am. I'm not sure why so early, but I'll be there! I've been up all night, writing, or shall I say, furiously scribbling. My room is a mess of papers, computer cords, guitars, and energy drinks. If anyone out there is interested in being my photographer, I would greatly appreciate it! I may not be able to pay much, but I promise that you would get as mush exposure as I could give you. It's the whole, "scratch my back, I scratch yours", type of deal. I'm going to go take a nap (probably not), and try to be a little rested(never going to happen). Until next time, I'll leave you with one thought I had tonight: "Who knew I would be this satisfied, being this stressed out?!"

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Where are you?