Wednesday, October 04, 2006

Autumn has finally set in? Maybe. The weather channel seems to be as confused as Rumsfield was about Iraq (needless jab, sorry). It's cold. For me, that's perfect. Add a slight mists, gentle rain, stir in some fog, and you have my favorite weather. Enough about the weather. There are more pressing issues; I tried a re-work of a cover for the first time live. It went surprisingly alright. I know I botched some of the chords, but recovered nicely, and hopefully not too many people noticed! I have also spent some sleepness nights pounding through re-writes on lyrics for some new songs. I do have 3 songs polished, mastered, and sounding rather nice. It was nice to make some headway in the studio. I'm going to be shopping the 3 songs as a demo, so look out! I am still fighting with myself over a title for it all. I'm sure that it's just superfluous fretting on my part. Those little details should work themselves out, hopefully...I am also scrambling to get some photos done for both inside and outside album art. One wonderful comment was made by a friend of mine who sat in studio, (Yes he's well known, no I am not going to name-drop), "These songs are full of emotion, it pours from the music, your voice is raw, but beautiful, and the lyrics paint vivid renderings in my head. To sum it up man, it's fucking good!" That was huge for me. I'm so hard on myself, on such a constant basis, that it's nice to recieve adulation from a person I respect greatly! I'll hopefully have a title and cover art to show next time we talk. Take care.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I look forward to learning more...keep us updated.